Not the time to buy AAPL stock
Buy low and sell high. Everyone has heard of this basic rule of investing, yet many active traders let greed and fear get in the way of sticking to this rule. Following this rule currently also keeps me from buying shares of Apple $AAPL stock.
How much higher could stocks rally?
If the bull case for stocks comes through in full swing, how much higher could stocks rally from here? Answer: A lot. Watch the video.
Avoid this costly trading mistake
The vast majority of losing traders have one simple trait in common; they are ‘chart chasers.’ Watch the video how you can cure this costly trading mistake and quickly get on the path to profitability.
Here’s how low stocks could fall…for now
The recent market pullback is likely not over just yet…and some would argue it’s just the beginning. How low could stocks and the S&P 500 go for now?
Options or futures? Here is my take
Options or futures? Which is the better instrument for you? Watch the video
My favorite chart right now
My absolute favorite chart right now isn’t a stock, index, currency or commodity. So what is it? Watch the video now.
I’m getting bearish
I’m getting bearish on this market…BUT…let me explain. Watch the video
This pattern tells it all
Profitable traders have their favorite ‘chart patterns’ they follow, but more importantly they know how to interpret investor emotions and positioning within those patterns. For me, one pattern signals this better than most patterns. Watch the video now.
You must watch this index
Not all indices are created equal. A large part of the trading and investing community is focused on the market capitalization weighted S&P 500 index, which often disports what is truly happening in the stock market. Allow me to suggest another index that in my experience is a truer tell to future stock market direction. […]
Special report: 6 immediate stock market warning signals
I’ve been identifying major market shifts for two decades. So put this special video report and PDF together for you because I see signs that we may experience a drop in the stock market and an increase in volatility very soon. Take a minute to watch the video so you can be prepared for what’s […]